Inline editing is a very useful functionality for end users, that allows users to edit information in place. The Users can edit and save information on the same page without using any other intermediate edit/save page.
There are a lot of jQuery in-line editing plugins are available on web, Here I will cater best in-line editing jQuery plugin which is very easy to understand and implement.
You can also add inline-editing functionality using HTML5 without using any jQuery or third-party plugin. You can get more information from HTML5 Inline Editing with PHP, MYSQL & jQuery Ajax tutorial.
Editable-table – jQuery/Bootstrap widget for inline Editing

The editable table is an awesome and tiny jQuery/Bootstrap widget that makes an HTML table in-line editable. Its supports normal HTML tables, validation and change events, native copy/paste with Bootstrap.
Jeditable – jQuery Edit In Place Plugin

Jeditable is based on Dylan Verheul’s editable. A simple plugin that allows you to create editable text areas on your webpage. It supports a limited number of input types but is easy to use and customize.
Tiny Inline Edit – Inline Edit Plugin For jQuery

Tiny Inline Edit is a very simple and lightweight jquery plugin for inline edit, the basic idea behind it like hide the label and adds an input field that is connected to a hidden input. The input field will hide after the save button is clicked.
X-editable – Plugin for the popup and inline modes

X-editable provide In-place editing using Bootstrap, jQuery UI or pure jQuery.This library allows you to create editable elements on your page. It can be used with any engine (bootstrap, jquery-ui, jquery only) and includes both popup and inline modes.
jinplace – in-place editing of data on the page

jinplace is a jQuery plugin for in-place editing of data on the page. The intended way to use it is for the editable fields on the web page to be marked up with HTML data-*
attributes. The plugin call can be placed in a page template and when it runs it finds all the fields that have been marked as editable.
EditTable – lightweight jQuery Plugin for inline editing

EditTable is a very lightweight and small jQuery Plugin for inline editing.jQuery editTable can be used both in ajax and/or HTTP POST contests. You can trigger editTable on any textarea or block element.